D.C. March For Life
More than 160 youth and young adults load onto three buses and make the 15 hour drive to Washington, D.C. every January to stand up and defend the rights of the weakest members of our society—the unborn.
The Crusaders for Life are a youth-led grassroots movement of pro-life youth from Chicago and beyond. They have spread their message of joy in cities across the United States, including: Washington D.C., St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Indianapolis.
The ‘Crusaders for Life’ with their signature yellow balloons and bright hoodies stage themselves at the beginning of the March and cheer and sing for the more than half-million marchers before taking up the rear and heading to the front of the Supreme Court where they kneel and pray for the protection of the unborn.
They Crusaders for Life have especially become known for their spirit, cheers, drums, and joyful enthusiasm!
This year the Crusaders brought two large banners with their two main messages for the world written on them:
“Life is Beautiful” and “Love Gives Life.”
Our philosophy is that if we can show people that
Life is Beautiful, then people will cease to destroy it.
- Kevin Hamilton, Crusader For Life